Walking—Step by Step

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Aline Newton, 2003 An in-depth look at the biomechanics of walking with an emphasis on the role of the connective tissue/fascial network. The spine’s capacity to rotate and the legs’ ability to extend fully are the keys to effortless walking. Walking—Step by Step

Rolfing® Structural Integration

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From The Clinician’s Complete Reference to Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Donald Novey, MD, editor. Published by Mosby, Inc. /Harcourt, St. Louis, MO. Aline Newton, Bret Nye, Russell Stolzoff, 2000 A basic introduction to the theory and practice of Rolfing® Structural Integration, including its history and research base. Rolfing®Structural Integration

Breathing in the Gravity Field

woman folding black yoga mat before outdoor workout with ocean v

Aline Newton, 1998 We breathe on average 20,000 times per day. The constant repetition of the movements involved in our particular breathing pattern can be a major contributing factor to head, neck and shoulder tension as well as to poor posture. This article explores the mechanics of the breath and the interaction of posture and … Read more

Stabilization: The Core and Beyond

young sporty female doing fitness workout outdoors

This is the updated version of the original paper (see below),  published in Dynamic Body 2011. Stabilization: The core and beyond This paper, published in Structural Integration, The Journal of the Rolf Institute, describes the research and biomechanics of core stabilization and suggests a dynamic approach to the concept of “core.” Instead of a center of … Read more

NEW! The Missing Gesture

Ripe purple grapes hang on the branches. A child's hand reaches out to pick a bunch and berries

In August 2022, a chapter of my forthcoming book Reimagining the Body, an embodiment curriculum for the 21st century came out in the journal Structure, Function, Integration. The excerpt starts with a case study of arm injury and goes on to explore the expressive dimension as well as the biomechanics of the upper limb. NEW! The Missing Gesture

NEW! The Lived Experience of Gravity

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Here’s a link to excerpts from a few chapters of my forthcoming book: Reimagining the Body, an embodiment curriculum for the 21st century. —describing my first meeting with Hubert Godard and how it transformed my idea of Rolfing, some workshop experiences and an exploration of “how not to fall down,” recently published in the 2022-2023 International Association of … Read more